08 May, 2007

Our First Post

Welcome to our blog! We hope that this will be a great tool to keep you guys updated while we are away. Check back regularly for new posts and pictures.

We leave in 34 days and a lot has to be done before we go. Please keep us in your prayers - specifically as we raise support and as the Lord prepares our hearts to leave. Please pray, too, for us as we pack up and say good-bye to our family and friends. Thanks for praying and loving us.

If you want to know more about supporting us through prayers and finances, contact Melissa Richie - melissa@ucfbirmingham.org. Also, if you'd like to be on a mass emailing list, contact Dwight - dacastle@samford.edu.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new blog guys

Aren't you a pretty bunch!

It will be great to have you over here in Ballymena

Love and peace


Anonymous said...

Hey you four. I know that 3 of you are on your way over there today. It's really exciting to see you love for Jesus lived out in obedience. As you go we are praying for you. Hold tightly to Him and depend on Him for every breath and all that follows. Don't lose perspective of the treasure you have in each other's friendship and accountability. Every moment of each day will be a success as long as you are obedient.
