16 August, 2007

What's Happenin

What we've been doing:
This week is similar to last week in that we and the team are doing Bible stories and games in the afternoon, and then spending time in the community at night prayer walking, meeting people, playing football, doing dance classes, and anything else we can to build relationships. Thursday and Friday are the team's last two days in the community, so please be praying for them that they might best make use of the time they have left with any of the relationships that they have made so far. The team has been great, and i think i'm gonna be a little depressed when they leave...

What I've been doing:
I have had the pleasure of spending a fair amount of time with two boys who're responsible for this little incident, which made the bbc: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/6944902.stm . Aging 7 and 9, these guys played hurling, which is like lacrosse but with a big stick, with a family of hedgehogs. Please pray for Joel (http://ucfinterns.blogspot.com/2007/07/joel-hedgehog.html), we hope that he was not involved. The sad part is that it really didn't surprise anyone when we found out who it was, since the two youngsters are pretty infamous around here. Pray that we can show love to these guys when no one else will, and that God will change them since no one else can.

What I've been learning:
I've been learning that it is hard to consistently read and pray, that good arguments don't convert people, that playing guitar for church is scary, and that tigers kill for fun. Fav. sermon this month: http://www.desiringgod.org/ResourceLibrary/ConferenceMessages/ByDate/2239_Open_Their_Eyes_Doing_What_Only_God_Can_Do_Part_1/ .

Lots of links and love,


Anonymous said...

we can only hope that Joel (the hedgehog) was saved. I thought if hedgehogs could climb 1 meter high, then certainly they would have been able to elude those kids

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, John, you made my day with that post. While obviously aghast at the hedgehog thing, and concerned for Joel's safety, I am in fits of giggles at the way you've written this. Very funny. You rock, dude!! May ask you to guest blog for me over at Coffee Helps sometime ;)

Kristen said...

ummm... Yanni.

there is a Happy Hedgehog Rescue Centre in Belfast. Is hedgehog hurling a common occurence? Is there an over -population of hedgehogs in NI? This is more than a bit disturbing. You should do something about it. Maybe demonstrate more constructive ways to interact with hedgehogs... like building hedgehog houses. or skinning them to make spikey shields. can you do that without killing them? just trying to help.