11 September, 2007

because i don't like being called a liar, or this one goes out to laura and lauren...

obviously, as dwight mentioned in his previous post, we need to work on updating more regularly.  sorry about that!  well, we returned from our holidays (which were fun, but honestly, we were ready to get back!) about a week ago.  the kids have all returned to school, so we've begun to plan and train for our primary school assemblies.  our first school is on thursday, and we are pumped!  basically, we will be singing songs with the kids, telling a bible story, doing a song with the puppets, and just connecting with the kids.  we're trying to be where the kids are so they are familiar with our faces, who we are, and what we believe.  hopefully, when we see them outside of school they will recognize us and we will have opportunities to build relationships and have conversations with them. 

we also met with the board of HOPE last week to discuss the plans for the following months.  plans include starting a precepts bible study for the HOPE team, after school one on one homework help (which should start in the next few weeks), guitar lessons, house visitations, the possibility of teaching a session or two in the Religious Education classes at the schools, eventually starting on secondary school assemblies, possibility of working with Scripture Unions (the school's bible club), and late night ministries (ie pub ministries).  we also brainstormed ideas about ways to get people into our house, which include cooking with or for them, craft days, game nights and other fun activities that will provide opportunities to hang out!  this past week we had nicolas (8 years old) and sean (9 years old) over for breakfast.  they are two of the biggest trouble makers in dunclug.  it went really well and was good to see the "child" side of them as opposed to the "stealing-our-stuff-and-cussing-us-out" side of them. pray for these two boys as we are trying to spend time with them and show them love.  we are all so so excited about our plans!  thanks for your prayers and thoughts!      


Melissa said...

Yeah! A Erin Blog! And, I love the title - it looks like a shout out to Sufjan.

I am praying for you guys today as you work at the school.

Cantrell said...

Yay!!!! i love immediate results. sounds like yall are busy busy busy and having fun. question though...are the primary school assemblies (the time you'll be meeting with the kids) during or after school? im confused. love you erin!

erin said...

cantrell- they are assemblies during the schools! love love.

Unknown said...

Eadesface, Thanks for the insight on what's going on over there. I miss you guys a ton! I was just thinking of calling you tonight and talking about school but then I thought "crap, she's in Ireland!" But I know that you guys are doing so much there (even if it's not visible right now) and I pray that you guys continue to spread the good news of Christ to the precious souls in Ballymena. I love you guys and will continue to pray for y'all until we meet in January!

Anonymous said...

Praying for a great assembly on Thursday! Will be praying for Nicolas and Sean also. Sounds like things are really kicking in. Glad to hear about the teams bible study, too. Keep those updates coming! xoxox

Laura Vandal said...
