24 October, 2007

why is halloween such a big deal?

with missy, emily, and joel (he was here this past weekend...not sure if that was ever mentioned in the previous blogs) safely back home, we've returned our normal routine...almost.  next week is halloween which is one of the biggest holidays in northern ireland.  the kids are off school for a week, so we are planning a three day fall festival for them.  two of the days are going to be similar to the backyard bible clubs that the ucf team did this summer.  one of the days we've rented out the community center and are having a much bigger presentation complete with puppets, games, songs, memory verses, crafts and the gospel message presented by way of a drama.  pray for us as we prepare for this festival.  we're pretty short on time...we started to plan today and the festival starts next wednesday.  and pray for the kids that are going to be there.  jacqui estimates that there will be around 60 kids on the day that we have the community center.  the backyard bible clubs are taking place in different areas of the estates, which means they will be much smaller and more intimate.  pray that God allows opportunities for us to talk to the kids one on one during this time.

we're still going every monday to the scripture union at dunclug secondary school, which has become one of my favorite times of the week!  last monday dwight, john, and elizabeth ate dinner with the teachers who lead the scripture union and went bowling with all of the kids.  (i was sick, so elizabeth made me stay home and sleep...).  some of the teachers that lead su are christians, but some are not.  pray that we will not only have opportunities to talk to the kids, but also the teachers.  and elizabeth wanted me to inform all of you...she bowled one strike and three spares on monday.  yay!

thanks for all of your prayers and thoughts!  we love you guys!


Melissa said...

yeah for an erin post!
i am glad to see you're feeling better.

it was adam, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to be with you guys next week and actually share in your ministry a little bit. We are so pumped!
Mommer (Dwight's)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the post ERin! I am praying for you all this week with the fall festival and BBC. May God prepare you all and the hearts of the kids that will attend! You all are making a difference for the kingdom. I love you!! xoxoxo mom

Cantrell said...

erin i hope you're feeling better!!!! i know the festival will be wonderful!

Anonymous said...

It was great seeing and working with you four last week. The ministry times were great together. It really gave us an opportunity to see exactly what you four are doing. We will continue to pray for you four.Thanks for allowing us to visit . Scott & Flossie Castle