22 February, 2008

quick update and prayer requests

1. our tuesday art club with the girls is now in full swing. so far we've talked about how we are made in the image of God and let the girls create whatever they wanted, the next week we talked about God's love and how we should love others and made valentines, and last week we talked about friendship and the girls wrote pen-pal letters to the girls that my mom works with at her church back home. we have a group of 6 girls and are having so much fun getting to know them! pray for us as we are planing the weeks to come and pray for the girls as they are hearing about the Lord.

2. last night we had 35-40 kids come to the thursday night youth club, which is about 15 more kids then usual. Michael, one of our friends here, came back home with us to hang out after the club. the guys went walking around with him and they had a really good conversation about God (i'm sure dwight will update more on this later). Pray for Michael and for more opportunities to hang out and talk with him.

3. we are continuing our group time with some of the Ballyloughan youth this sunday night. we met with them two weeks ago to talk about what they wanted to discuss. we've decided, for at least the first few weeks, to talk about how to grow in your Christian walk. pray that we will be able to develop trust with these kids so that we can have an open, truthful, and encouraging time together.

4. on the alternating sundays, we've planned to have a bible study/open discussion and question time at Ballyloughan with the kids from the estate. we're still in the process of evaluating whether or not this is the best time or place to have this group of kids meet. pray for God to give us wisdom in this, and pray that He will send the kids that He wants to be there.

also, pray for Anna, Danielle, Katie, Amy, Toni, Chelsea and Jade. these are some of the girls that Elizabeth and I have gotten close to and hang out with on a regular basis, and the Lord has laid them on our hearts.

thank you for being so faithful to pray for us!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update and requests!I'm praying for you all and the relationships you all have developed. It's so great to be able to put faces with names now! I miss you guys!


Melissa said...

Yeah! thanks for the post, seeeeester! it's great to read how we can be praying for you!

i love you!