25 June, 2007

Our favorite sayings...

OK, so to put it mildly, they speak a lil differently here than we do. so here are a list of our favorite Irish sayings thus far (definitions and/or use in a typical sentence will follow, as necessary):

"class" or "pure class"-really cool or awesomely awesome (in the words of John); said after an impressive trick or feat of strength

"sham"- friend, synonamous with mate and feen, which are also used here

"couldn't be bothered"- one of our favorites; a sign of pure laziness (it's epidemic here); like saying, I don't feel like it
-in a sentence: luke, are you guys gonna build a bonfire this year? no. why not? couldn't be bothered..."

"craic"- pronounced "crack"; best described by examples: "whats the craic?" (whats up?), "that's good craic" (it's fun)

"lethal"- awesomely awesome- similar to pure class

"happy days"- probly the most worthy of laughing at...basically, good news/times...expression used in joy at something.

"mucker/muck"- mucker is friend, muck is mess up, a bad situation

"right"- used in a real peculiar way, almost as an interjection or conjunction; like saying ok, or but, or now...

"I'm away"-rather than "I am leaving/going" or they are not here/there, say "right, I'm away"

"wee"- used to describe something small, or just as an adjective before anything at all.... for example, you could say the wee man or wee boy (a baby) or that wee bug (a small bug) or that wee house (not small) or lets play a wee match...

"fanny"-trust me, just don't say it; highly offensive, ask Joel Brooks for a personal testimony if you don't believe me...

"tirty tree"- how a southerner would say 33

"jdfiojsdfksdfkjslkdcn"- usually what we understand from Niel McMillan, because he talks so fast

Hope you enjoyed these, we recommend you start using them in your daily rhetoric if you want to be cool...


Anonymous said...

this list is awesome! i bet there are a whole lot more than this too. i'm praying for you guys!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the bee's knees

elaine davis said...

i enjoyed that pretty thoroughly.

Anonymous said...

My personal fav was "ice-lollies" instead of popcicles.

Anonymous said...

This was hilarious, Dwight. I especially liked the part about Neil because it is so true!

Anonymous said...

Whats the craic mucker? I wish I could've left a wee comment earlier but I couldn't be bothered. That doesn't mean I don't think this blog is totally lethal though! Well, I'm away! Happy days!

haha wow I hope everyone liked that attempt at Irish from this list you gave! I'm praying for everyone!

Jackie Johnson